You’ll Come by Hillsong

I would like to acknowledge WimNL for sharing this song in Youtube.

You’ll Come by Hillsong

Verse 1
I have decided I have resolved
To wait upon you Lord
My rock and redeemer shall not be moved
I’ll wait upon you Lord

As surely as the sun will rise
You’ll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears

You’ll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit reign flood our hearts
With holy fire again

Verse 2
We are not shaken we are not moved
We wait upon you Lord
Our Mighty deliverer my triumph and truth
I’ll wait upon you Lord

Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed

Published by QTwG

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Hi! My name is Eugene. I pray that you gain spiritual strength, wisdom, revelation, hope and most importantly trust and faith with our Lord Jesus Christ through this website.