I watch others. I wonder. I start to compare. I try to sift through the advice, what not to do, the life examples. But God calls me back to my real identity. An identity that doesn’t need a fancy title, to be made important, or be concerned what it looks like from the outside as if a grand accomplishment.
I AM tells me I am His. My identity was never my own. My plans are futile apart from Him. Only His plans matter. Only He can accomplish Kingdom work through me. My identity is hidden IN HIM.
This is what I would say to my daughter someday. I pray to understand it myself so she won’t only hear the words but she will see a life that reflects the very ideal.
I know that He has good plans for me He put forth in advance. He tells me so. {Eph 2:10}
I know that His identity is more important than mine. He tells me to make Him known and not myself. {Col 1:27}
I know that I have died to this life {and continue to do so each day as best I can} but my REAL LIFE is hidden with Christ in God. {Col 3:3}
-Devotional excerpt by Stephanie from (in)courage.