What’s Jesus Doing Now?

The New Testament tells us what Jesus did while He was on earth, but what is He doing now that He has ascended to the Father in heaven? His physical absence does not mean that He has abandoned us. Though we cannot presently see Him, His Word assures us that He is always acting on our behalf to empower, lead, and complete us.

He gives us abundant life (John 10:10). Christ enables us to live with peace, joy, and the strength and determination to persist in accomplishing whatever He calls us to do.

The Lord makes intercession for us (Rom. 8:34). Jesus hears our every prayer and is seated at His Father’s right hand, presenting our requests to Him.

Christ reveals the Father. By seeing God through the Son’s eyes, we understand that He’s our loving heavenly Father, who is personally interested in every aspect of our lives. Scripture invites us to follow Jesus’ example of ongoing intimate conversation with God.

He’s preparing a place for us and will one day come to take us home to heaven so we can be with Him forever (John 14:2-3).

The Lord Jesus is also preparing for His return to rule and reign on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords.

“Out of sight, out of mind” is definitely not a phrase that describes Christ’s relationship with us. He never forgets us and is continually working to complete His plans for both our lives and the entire world. His constant care should motivate us to make sure that He’s not out of our sight and mind.


Source: Email Daily Devotion from InTouch Ministries