We thank You for our nation, the Philippines

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You for our nation, the Philippines.
We praise and thank You for the gifts, calling and resources You’ve given to us as a people. We recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from You.
We, therefore, humble ourselves before You and acknowledge that apart from You, we can do nothing.

We bless our nation Philippines.
We repent from speaking ill about her.
We believe that You have greater things in store for this nation.
We pray for our nation – that You would give us unity as a people that we may honor You and see our country rise into the calling You’ve given her to be a blessing to the other nations of the world.

We pray for our leaders – that You would give them wisdom to govern with humility, justice and righteousness for righteousness exalts a nation.
Bless our leaders, from the President down to the Barangay official.
Touch their hearts that they may serve our country with integrity and compassion.

We pray for our countrymen – that we would have a genuine love for our nation and a greater appreciation for who we are as Filipinos. We pray that we all will do our part to see a genuine transformation come to pass as we submit ourselves to You.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN


I would like to acknowledge Victory Christian Fellowship for sharing this nation prayer.