How Do You Honor Your Mother?

The command to “honor…your mother” is not a suggestion, and there are no exemptions. Her character or effectiveness as a parent is not the issue. God established this guideline for Israel because a respectful home was crucial to their future success as a nation. The same is true for us today. God blesses our homes when we respect our mothers with words, attitudes, and actions.

Love her unconditionally. We’re called to love our moms as God does. He didn’t qualify His love for us with expectations and conditions that must first be met. He simply lavished His affection upon us while we were still sinners (Rom. 5:8).

Show her compassionate forgiveness. Since there are no perfect mothers, at times we’ll have to forgive them. If your mom seems harsh or unloving, show her compassion. She may have experienced hardships as a child that wounded her spirit.

Remember her gratefully. Thank Mom this Mother’s Day for all she did for you as a child. But don’t let it end there. Nothing is more hurtful than feeling forgotten. Make room for her in your busy schedule. After all, she made countless sacrifices for you.

Treat her kindly. Let your mother know that she’s valued. Take time to listen attentively when she speaks, and help herout when she is in need.

Does your mother feel loved and honored? What can you do that will bring a big smile to her face? In our adult years, it’s easy to distance ourselves from our moms because life gets hectic and multiple demands steal our time. Make it a habit to pray for her daily and contact her regularly.


Very inspiring message from InTouch Daily Devotional

Happy Mother’s Day Nanay!