O Lord, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I need you the most?
Psalm 10:1
The psalmist’s question is not an uncommon one to ask when our lives turn upside down. It is difficult to grasp the idea that a loving God might hide away while chaos seems to be reigning. The psalmist was honest with God. He didn’t conceal his fears or the feeling that he was alone in his battle. Yet he also encouraged himself with these words: “You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry” (Psalm 10:17, niv, niv). This assurance was birthed out of past experiences when God heard him in his time of need and responded.
Sometimes we are frustrated or overwhelmed when we cannot fix the battles that threaten us or our loved ones. Honesty with God is not a lack of faith but rather an admittance that we are powerless to turn the situation around. The good news is that producing strength and beauty out of darkness is God’s specialty. When we seek him in the hard times, we find that he is not far away and that he is faithful.
ABBA, FATHER, sometimes I feel abandoned when I can’t fix my circumstances. Please help me to trust you, to place this situation in your hands, for you can see this battle from a perspective that I do not have. Lord, though I feel weak, I know that I am strong as I lean on your strength rather than my own.
You say, “But he has not answered.” He has, he is so near to you that his silence is the answer. His silence is big with terrific meaning that you cannot understand yet but presently you will. Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)
Source: https://tecartabible.com/share/2006/194/398
This is an excerpt from: The One Year Prayer, Praying through the Bible.