Crab Mentality

I want to share this article that I received in my inbox.
This is our recent series at Victory Christian Fellowship


Crab Mentality
OPM (Original Pinoy Mindset) series: CRAB MENTALITY.

“ For as he thinks within himself, so he is” Proverbs 23:7a (NASB).

A person’s mindset dictates the way he behaves. This behavior brings about actions which in turn, bring about consequences. Every mindset has its spiritual implication.

CRAB MENTALITY is a trait common of many Filipinos. This concept is a metaphor of a bucket of crabs usually found in wet markets wherein the crabs pull each other down and trample each other to be able to escape. Crab Mentality is an unfriendly competition among individuals that involves slandering, back-biting, and trampling on another to get ahead. It is a trait that dates back to the Spanish colonization wherein the Filipino Indios heavily depended on the favor of the Spanish Insulares and made ways to damage each other’s reputation to be able to step up.

The bible tells of the story of how an encounter with God has brought about the transformation of one of its greatest characters: Jacob.

The name “Jacob” literally means deceiver or supplanter (One who wrongfully holds the place of another).

The Stages of Jacob’s Crab Mentality.


When Jacob was born, his hand was grasping his twin brother Esau’s heel who came out before him (Genesis 25:26). This assumingly indicates that even from the womb, Jacob did not want his brother to get ahead.

Growing up, Jacob’s father, Isaac, favored Esau more than Jacob. Esau was a skillful hunter and was an outdoorsman, wherein Jacob, who was white-skinned and was more adept indoors, won the favor of his mother. This may have, somehow, brought about a mindset in Jacob that God’s resources are limited.

2. BIRTHRIGHT. Genesis 25: 29-34

The eldest son’s birthright gives him the authority to manage everything that the family owns. Jacob capitalized on Esau’s hunger and need for food to acquire for himself his brother’s birthright.


When Jacob and Esau were still in their mother’s womb, the LORD said to Rebecca that there were two nations in her womb (Genesis 25:23). Instead of praying and hanging on to God’s promise, Jacob hung on to what man can give him. In connivance with his mother, Jacob tricked his father Isaac on being given him the blessings that was intended for Esau (Genesis 27:19-23).

The effects of sin are: Poverty and Greed. Poverty says, “I don’t have enough,” while Greed says, “I want more.”


1.First Encounter with God (Genesis 28:12-16).

Jacob fled to Haran to escape the wrath of his brother, Esau. On his way to his uncle Laban’s house, God gave him a picture of heaven in a dream. Through the dream, God blessed him just as he had blessed Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 28:15).
Jacob’s perspective was changed. “When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, ‘Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it’” Genesis 28:16.

Many times, we are more conscious of what God is doing in other people’s lives that we miss out on God’s faithfulness in our own.

2.Second Encounter with God.

After the initial encounter, Jacob’s blessings followed him. He was blessed with a wife he loves (Rachel), he was blessed with children (Genesis 29), he was blessed with properties, and God appointed a time for the restoration of his relationship with his brother, Esau.
On his way back to his father’s house, a servant informed him that his brother Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men. Jacob was distressed, reminded of his past sins. God reminded him again of His promises in his life through another encounter (Genesis 32:24-28).

“Then the man said, ‘Let me go, for it is daybreak.’ But Jacob replied, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.’ The man asked him, ‘What is your name?’ ‘Jacob,’ he answered” (Genesis 32:26-27).

Jacob wrestled with God. When God touched his hip, Jacob never walked the same way again. When Jacob uttered his name when he was asked, it was an act of surrendering to God, an admission that he has been doing things his own way.
In Genesis 46, God reminded Israel (Jacob) of his promises again. God acted on Jacob’s behalf. Ultimately, it is the faithfulness of God that will promote us.

1. Crab Mentality: Motivated by selfish ambition.
God Mentality: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3).

2. Crab Mentality: Damaging other people’s reputation.
God Mentality:“Consider others better than yourself” (Philippians 2:3b).

3. Crab Mentality: Born out of envy and jealousy.
God Mentality:“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the
interests of others” (Philippians 2:4).

HOLD ON TO GOD, NOT MAN. Crab Mentality is grabbing on to what man can do for you, but God-mentality is looking to what God can do for you.

“No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame. (Psalm 25:3)”

“The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? (Psalm 118:6).”

“Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.

The LORD will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Psalm 85:11-12.”**